Photo Best Practices

Practicing the best practices while building your Pics profile.

Trust is a big deal and contributing to the social consciousness comes with a bit of responsibility.

As you can imagine, we want you to be adulting when adding pics. Poor from will not be condoned.

Let’s keep the nudity to a minimum along with any pics that your mom would thing is not representing her good taste and charm.

Here are some tips for both the contributors and the Place owners.

  1. Lighting is king! Keep the light source behind your shoulder.
  2. Golden moment The best lighting in right before sunset!
  3. Framing rule of 3s or the Golden ratio. This is when you breakdown the picture frame into 1/3s.

A great way of thinking about this is when shooting a boat, have the boat fulling 1/3 of the pic and the other 2/3 is where the boat is heading. Ref:

  1. Close is always better. Take two pics one your way, then take another pic even close and see which is best.
  2. Food is cool but having a person in the shot is even cooler!
  3. Make it pretty. People love pretty things. Look at the item you are shooting as a piece of art.
  4. Be Original, upload pics, not somebody else’s. Please avoid any copyright issues.
  5. Keep it appropriate. Though nudity is natural, not everyone wants to see it. The same goes for hateful things, spam, and irrelevant photos. So steer away from naked people and inappropriate stuff. If Instagram would object to showing it, chances are it is not cool to use it.
  6. Keep it clean. Put an effort into not shooting other people who may not want to be in the shot. 


If you see something inappropriate, use the “flag” button to alert us and we’ll take care of things.

All photos are “User Submissions” as defined in Carizma’s TERMS of USE